104 Experiment Personal

104 Experiment – Image 012 – Luna



silhouette of telephone pole with very orange moon behind it

Upon arriving home on the 4th, after attending a holiday picnic, the moon caught my eye. There were fireworks going off everywhere, as well as lightning streaks in the distance, however, the especially orange and large moon seemed more interesting to me. I made a few photos of the detailed moon, and then it went behind a cloud. I decided to attempt a silhouette of a nearby telephone pole, since the light from the moon was now diffused by the clouds. I utilized a tripod and a thirty second exposure (at a tiny aperture for maximum sharpness).

exposure time: 30 seconds

f-number: f/10


focal-length: 290mm

equipment: Canon 5D Mark II with 100-300mm f/4.5-5.6 USM

software: Adobe Lightroom 3


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